Available in New Orleans, Louisiana
Booking a taxi in New Orleans, Louisiana will never be the same with United Cabs!
Use the new United Cabs app to:
• Book a taxi in New Orleans, Louisiana
• Book immediately or up to 7 days in advance!
• Watch the nearby taxis move on your map & get an estimated fare
• Get immediate confirmation of your driver's name, plate number, picture, and watch him move towards you on a map
• Share your ride with loved ones, family, friends or the world and let them track your taxi in real-time
• Rate your trip and comment on your driver
• Repeat frequent bookings from the History list and save even more time
A few tips to get you started:
1. The app auto-detects your location & sets your Pick-Up (you will need to turn on your Location access under Settings for this)
2. Tap on "To" to select or search for your desired Drop-Off locations.
4. You can tap on the small map above to view nearby taxis.
5. Hit Book Now when you are ready & Register to Activate your phone if you haven't already.
6. Get the details of your taxi driver and watch his taxi drive towards you on the map. Call United Cabs if there's anything wrong or just to double confirm your pick-up.
7. Voila! A taxi shows up at your doorstep and Share Your Ride for added safety then Rate your trip and driver when you End your Trip.
*The price shown in the calculator trip is in local currency*
Available in New Orleans, Louisiana
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On our website, you can easily download the latest version of United Cabs! No registration and SMS required!